CloudAMQP Console Cluster Setup

This feature is available on dedicated instances.

A RabbitMQ cluster can contain one or several RabbitMQ servers, where each server is called a node.

From the Cluster view, you can manage all nodes in a cluster and perform actions such as full cluster restarts, individual node reboots and RabbitMQ Management Interface restarts.


Full RabbitMQ cluster restart Restart button
Firehose Select vhost dropdown


RabbitMQ status Running Start, Pause and restart
RabbitMQ Management Interface
Full cluster restart

If running a multi-node cluster, a full cluster restart option will be visible. This will restart all nodes in the cluster.


Select the vhost to enable to see every message published for debugging purposes. This is not recommended to run in production environments.

Reboot a single node This will reboot the instance.
Restart RabbitMQ Management Interface Restarts the RabbitMQ Management Interface. This will not restart the whole RabbitMQ, only the RabbitMQ Management Interface.