How do I verify my version of RabbitMQ?

This article examines the process of checking your RabbitMQ version using the command line in both Windows and Linux/Unix/Mac and via the RabbitMQ management console.

RabbitMQ Version from the Management Console

If you have the RabbitMQ management plugin installed, you have probably seen that it offers many useful metrics. The version number is prominently displayed on the console, like shown in the image below:

After starting RabbitMQ, open a browser and navigate to the appropriate URL. The default URL is http://localhost:15762

Both the RabbitMQ and Erlang versions are present in the upper part of every page after you login.

If you are a CloudAMQP customer, simply press the RabbitMQ manager button from the control panel.

Using the Command Line to Check your RabbitMQ Version

It is possible to obtain this information from the command line. Beware that the command returns might include more information than listed in the example below, and you will need to search for the correct entry. Ensure that RabbitMQ is in your path to be able to perform rabbitmqctl.

Again, ensure that RabbitMQ is in your path. You will need to specify the full path to your .bat file if RabbitMQ is not set in your environment.

For Linux/Unix/Mac:

Since RabbitMQ 3.8.0 you can use the RabbitMQ command line tool.

$ rabbitmqctl version
RabbitMQ version: 3.8.4

You can also use the rabbitmq-diagnostics to check the server_version. It's a useful tool for diagnostics, health checks and monitoring.

$ rabbitmq-diagnostics server_version
Asking node rabbit@localhost for its RabbitMQ version...
RabbitMQ version: 3.8.4

Another option would be to use the status command

$ sudo rabbitmqctl status | grep "RabbitMQ\|rabbitmq"
RabbitMQ version: 3.8.4

The command assumes that accessing your console requires sudo rights. Look for a line saying something like RabbitMQ version: 3.8.1, or {rabbit,"RabbitMQ","3.7.3"}. The results look different for different versions.

To check Erlang version via command line you can also use rabbitmq-diagnostics.

$ rabbitmq-diagnostics erlang_version
Asking node rabbit@localhost for its Erlang/OTP version...
Erlang/OTP 23.0

For windows, open PowerShell, and enter the following:

rabitmqctl.bat status


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