CloudAMQP talks at the RabbitMQ Summit

We are proud to announce that three members of the CloudAMQP team will be speaking during the RabbitMQ Summit. Here is a summary of our talks and the time slots not to miss out on!

Write fast, reliable, and secure clients!

Portrait of Carl Hörberg, speaker at the RabbitMQ Summit 2022

Carl Hörberg, CEO

11.40–12.20 GMT

The RabbitMQ website has over 70 clients listed, so there is naturally a vast array of client libraries. Among these, there are several great, unofficial clients developed by the RabbitMQ community, so what could go wrong? As we aim to deliver the best possible clients, we need to be sure to keep everything above-board and high quality. Carl Hörberg (CloudAMQP) has contributed to several client libraries lately, including the amqp-client for Crystal, the TypeScript client both for Node.js and browsers (using WebSocket), and the amqp-client for Ruby, where the new Ruby client is more than four times faster than other Ruby clients. In this presentation, Carl will talk about how to write fast clients that are also reliable and secure. He will also explain why he decided to write some new libraries.

Why does RabbitMQ stop and what can be done about it?

Portrait of Johan Rhodin, speaker at the RabbitMQ Summit 2022

Johan Rhodin, CCO

15.00–15.20 GMT

Depending on a certain number of factors, the job of a support engineer for CloudAMQP may vary. Every now and then, RabbitMQ stops, and Johan has to work quickly to get it up and running and follow up with bug reports, sometimes build features around it, and educate other customers. In this talk, Johan will walk you through the most common issues and how he troubleshoots them. He will share knowledge gained from mistakes made by us, customers, and the community through his own experience.

Where a message queue would fit in your architecture

Portrait of Lovisa Johansson, speaker at the RabbitMQ Summit 2022

Lovisa Johansson, CMO

15.30–15.50 GMT

Human beings have always sought ways to communicate, even when there have been distances between us. The same need exists in the computer world; a method to send, receive, and create the message itself. Despite that, I often get the question, “Where would a message queue fit in my architecture?” Get ready for an answer to that question from the lens of common RabbitMQ use cases that are understandable no matter where you are or what language you're speaking.

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