Coralogix Log Integration

CloudAMQP is pleased to announce support for Coralogix log integration!

Keep your logs where you prefer. CloudAMQP provides numerous integrations with third-party systems for log and metric exports. We're happy to announce Coralogix log integration as one of them.

Coralogix is a cloud-based, SaaS analytics and monitoring platform that combines logs, metrics, and traces to gain full observability into your system. By popular demand, you are now able to ship your RabbitMQ logs from your CloudAMQP instance using the Coralogix log integration. Once data is ingested to Coralogix, you can use our core features to obtain full observability in your dashboard.

You can find all CloudAMQP integration options under the Integration tab in the control panel for your instances.

Azure Monitor log integration

Visit The CloudAMQP documentation for a full list of all log integrations available for CloudAMQP Console Integrations - CloudAMQP

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