RabbitMQ Annual Report - 2023

The new year provides CloudAMQP with an opportunity to delve into statistics from the previous year. Given our fondness for numbers, let's explore what these statistics are telling us!

Currently, we have approximately 9000 RabbitMQ clusters operating in 93 countries. According to the 2022 statistics, there was a 22 percent increase in clusters through 2023, and the growth seems to continue.

RabbitMQ version distribution

Approximately 30 percent of all customer’s servers are running RabbitMQ 3.12, released in 1 June 2023. An additional 18 percent are on 3.11 which, combined, is a great number as we like it when customers are on the newer versions.

However, a few users are still sticking with version 3.8 and 3.9, perhaps living by the motto “Don’t fix it if it ain’t broken!”

RabbitMQ Version Distribution

Language distribution by vhost

According to our statistics, .NET, Node.JS, and Python are the three most popular languages this year. Java closely follows in fourth place.

RabbitMQ Language Distribution

Client distribution by vhost

Top three client libs this year was Node.JS amqplib (18,9%), Java RabbitMQ (14,8%) and Python py-amqp (14,0%).

RabbitMQ Client Distribution

Median and largest numbers

Our servers are configured with two vhosts, three policies, and two users, a setup that most users seem to keep. However, we've observed some extreme cases, with one cluster having 142,516 bindings and another having 191,465 exchanges. If your setup approaches these numbers, it might be a signal to reevaluate your configuration. Feel free to reach out to us at support@cloudamqp.com for assistance.

The median number of bindings and queues is slightly higher than last year, but overall around the same numbers as 2022.

  • Median number of queues: 26 (largest number of queues: 124400)
  • Median number of users: 2 (largest number of users: 62,245)
  • Median number of policies: 3 (largest numbers of policies: 2550)
  • Median number of exchanges: 9 (largest number of exchanges: 191,465)
  • Median number of bindings: 28 (largest number of bindings: 142,516)
  • Median number of vhosts: 2 (largest number of vhosts: 1954)

Plan changes

The busiest day for plan changes is Wednesdays in November.

RabbitMQ Plan changes

Alarms configured

During 2023 we had 10,000 queue alarms setups, and 7000 disk alarms.

RabbitMQ Alarms

That's all for now! If you're interested in learning more about RabbitMQ best practices, please follow the link to our blog series on the subject.

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