43% of all clusters at CloudAMQP are now running RabbitMQ 3.7!
..and some users are still on 3.3. It's time to upgrade your dedicated cluster if you have not already done it!

RabbitMQ 3.7:
RabbitMQ 3.6:
RabbitMQ 3.5:
RabbitMQ 3.4:
RabbitMQ 3.3:
RabbitMQ 3.7
RabbitMQ 3.7 passed CloudAMQP internal testing in February 2018. It has since then been available as an upgrade option, via the CloudAMQP control panel.

Important note: A full cluster restart is required for all dedicated clusters to get the new version. If you cannot have any downtime, we recommend upgrading by creating a new cluster and after that migrate to the new cluster, for example with help of queue federation.
If you have any questions, you can reach out to support@cloudamqp.com.