DAG-based workflow with RabbitMQ

Directed Acyclic Graphs, or DAG, and RabbitMQ, can be combined to demonstrate which tasks in a system must be completed before others.

  • DAG is a way to represent a workflow or dependencies between tasks.
  • RabbitMQ is a message broker that facilitates communication between different system components.

Using RabbitMQ to pass messages between tasks in a DAG-based workflow makes handling complex tasks easier and improves how systems work together.

If you're new to RabbitMQ, check out our intro blog for helpful tips.

  1. Define your DAG: First, define the tasks in your workflow and the dependencies between them. Each task represents a unit of work that needs to be done.
  2. Implement your tasks: Write the code for each task in your workflow. Each task should be able to consume messages from RabbitMQ, perform its work, and optionally produce messages to be consumed by other tasks.
  3. Set up RabbitMQ: Configure RabbitMQ as the message broker between your tasks. This involves setting up exchanges, queues, and bindings to route messages between producers and consumers.
  4. Produce and consume messages: As tasks in your workflow are executed, they produce messages containing any relevant data or instructions. These messages are then consumed by other tasks in the workflow, allowing them to execute in the correct order based on dependencies.
  5. Handle task dependencies: Ensure that tasks are only executed when their dependencies have been satisfied. You can use RabbitMQ message acknowledgments and message routing to control the flow of messages through the workflow.


Combining DAG and RabbitMQ creates a scalable and flexible workflow system where tasks can be executed asynchronously and independently, with RabbitMQ ensuring reliable message delivery between tasks.

For a real-world example of how a customer of CloudAMQP is leveraging DAG and RabbitMQ together, visit this blog about Relay Delivery.

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