Part 2: LavinMQ for beginners - Sample code for Ruby

Welcome to LavinMQ for beginners! This article is the second in a series of LavinMQ and will take you through code examples with Ruby, steps to set up your own LavinMQ instance, and a relatable example of a working LavinMQ system to follow for yourself. The guide goes on to explain the steps to set up a connection and the basics of publishing/consuming messages from a queue.

This article assumes that you have a running LavinMQ server installed, if not - get started with a free LavinMQ plan at CloudAMQP.

This tutorial follows the scenario used in the previous article, Part 1: LavinMQ for beginners - What is LavinMQ?

The example follows a web application that allows users to upload a profile picture. Once the image is uploaded the user can traditionally decide what part of the image they want to show, scale it up or down and move it around.

The web application takes these instructions and the image and sends a request to the part of the system that is responsible for "Image Processing", which usually includes downsizing and web optimization.

The website handles the information, scales the image, and saves it in the new format. In the example, the entire scaling process will take several seconds. Let’s get started.

The full code can be seen at

Getting started with LavinMQ and Ruby

The following example will use the synchronous client Bunny to publish a message and to consume it.

We begin by adding the environment variable CLOUDAMQP_URL to our .env file.
➜ vim .env

Then, we add these gems to our Gemfile if they are not yet added.

➜ vim Gemfile
source ''
gem 'bunny'
gem 'dotenv'

Further, we create a script and name it publish.rb. In the publish.rb script we will write down a simple example on how to publish a message.

Full code

require "bunny"
require "dotenv/load"

connection = ENV['CLOUDAMQP_URL']
connection.start # Start a connection with the CloudAMQP server
channel = connection.create_channel # Declare a channel
queue = channel.queue("image_queue") # Declare a queue

# Declare a default direct exchange which is bound to all queues
exchange ="")

# Publish a message to the exchange which then gets routed to the queue
exchange.publish("Image processing information", :key =>

connection.close # Finally, close the connection

Then, we create another script and name it subscribe.rb. In the subscribe.rb script we will write down a simple example on how to consume a message.

require "bunny"
require "dotenv/load"

connection = ENV['CLOUDAMQP_URL']
connection.start  # Start a connection with the CloudAMQP server
channel = connection.create_channel # Declare a channel
queue = channel.queue("image_queue") # Declare a queue

begin # Consume messages
  puts ' [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C'
  queue.subscribe(block: true) do |_delivery_info, _properties, body|
    puts " [x] Consumed message: []"
rescue Interrupt => _
  connection.close # Close the connection

Tutorial source code - Publisher

Set up a connection

require "bunny"
require "dotenv/load"

connection = ENV['CLOUDAMQP_URL']
connection.start # Start a connection with the CloudAMQP server returns a connection instance. Use the CLOUDAMQP_URL as connection URL, it can be found in the details page for your CloudAMQP instance. The CLOUDAMQP_URL is a string including data for the instance, such as username, password, hostname and vhost. The connection is established when start is called conn.start

Create a channel

channel = connection.create_channel # Declare a channel

A channel needs to be created in the TCP connection. A channel is a virtual connection inside a connection and it is used to send AMQP commands to the broker. When you are publishing or consuming messages or subscribing to a queue is it all done over a channel.

Declare a queue

queue = channel.queue("image_queue") # Declare a queue

channel.queue is used to declare a queue with a particular name, in this case, the queue is called image_queue. The queue in this example is marked as durable, meaning that LavinMQ never loses our queue.

Bind the queue to an exchange

exchange ="")

Declare a default direct exchange which is bound to all queues.

Publish a message

exchange.publish("Image processing information", :key =>

Publish a message to the exchange which then gets routed to the queue.


Finally, close the connection. connection.close automatically close all channels in the connection.

Tutorial source code - Consumer

Sample code for image processing

begin # Consume messages
  puts ' [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C'
  queue.subscribe(block: true) do |_delivery_info, _properties, body|
    puts " [x] Consumed message: []"
    puts " [x] Start image processing"
rescue Interrupt => _
  connection.close # Close the connection

A function can be called that handle the image processing. More information about Ruby and CloudAMQP can be found here.

Please email us at if you have any suggestions or feedback.

Guide - LavinMQ for beginners

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