New features 2017 and upcoming features 2018!

As the year winds down, the team behind CloudAMQP want to take the opportunity to recap this successful year. During the past year, we have worked hard to meet our customers' wishes, and we are continually working to improve and simplify the use of CloudAMQP.

New features 2017

Entered the market in China

We have entered the market in China! We now provide our customers with the option to create CloudAMQP instances on Alibaba Cloud where you can deploy instances in four places in China, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Read more.

Permission-based ACL rules

Many users have requested a way to split up permissions between team members. Permission-based ACL rules for the team is just released. This new feature makes it possible to set different permissions for different users. One user might only be allowed to edit billing information while someone else is allowed to create and delete clusters.

Firewall for your cluster

Earlier this month we added an option to configure a firewall for your cluster directly from our UI on AWS and Azure instances. Read more.

RabbitMQ setup changes

The new RabbitMQ feature, Lazy Queues, were added in RabbitMQ version 3.6. CloudAMQP found the lazy queue feature so good that we changed the default configuration to include lazy queues on all new clusters. Read more.

Increased the reliability of our shared plans

We have increased the reliability of our shared plans. Our shared cluster has this year proven to be way more stable than before due to fewer users on each server, configuration changes and updated limitations. Read more.

RabbitMQ monitoring log

We added the ability to ship your RabbitMQ monitoring log from CloudAMQP dedicated instances to both Loggly and Papertrail which makes it easy to centralize, search and monitor your log data from any environment. Read more.

New metrics data (enhanced debugging)

The CloudAMQP control panel is updated and is now showing the frequency of your RabbitMQ messages, channels and connections, both present and historically, in your cluster. Read more.

Growing team

Last but not least, we added several great members to our constantly growing team!

Upcoming features 2018

We will never stop developing och improve the usage of our products and the coming year will, of course, contain even more new features, updates and improvements. A few upcoming news for CloudAMQP to look forward to:

RabbitMQ diagnostics page to improve uptime

A RabbitMQ diagnostics page will soon be available. This page will show unwanted and common errors in your RabbitMQ cluster. The page will hopefully help a lot of users to improve uptime and performance of the server.

Custom RabbitMQ configuration

Another feature that has been highly requested is a way to be able to edit the RabbitMQ config file from the control panel. This feature will be available during next year.

Upload and handle certificates via the Control panel

We got a lot of requests from customers that would like to upload certificates to the cluster. Customers on dedicated plans will soon be able to upload custom certificates via the control panel.

Custom plugins

It has, for a long time, been possible to enable and disable community plugins. It will soon be possible to upload and enable/disabled even custom plugins via the CloudAMQP control panel.

Better and more gradual alarms

The alarm feature is used by a lot of customers and has helped hundreds of customers to identify and address performance issues promptly and automatically before it has impacted their business. We will add better-specified notification levels and make it possible to send different alarms to different users.

Backup of definitions

It will soon be possible to enable automatic backups of RabbitMQ definitions from the control panel.

Happy new year from 84codes AB

We hope that you have enjoyed the enhanced quality of CloudAMQP this past year and that you look forward to a new successful year as much as we do!

The company behind CloudAMQP, 84codes AB, would like to take the opportunity and wish you a Happy New Year! If you would like to know more about us, please visit our webpage:

If you would like to request other features - do not hesitate to contact us at

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