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FAQ: How to purge unacked messages from a queue in RabbitMQ

Multiple queues in our broker have a lot of messages. We tried to remove the piled-up messages by purging the queue, but only messages in a ready state got deleted. There are still queues with messages that are in an unacked state. How could these be deleted?

FAQ: What is the delivery mode in AMQP?

There seems to be two options available for “delivery mode” in AMQP, namely non-persistent and persistent. What does this actually mean?

FAQ: What is a Delayed Message Exchange?

This tutorial explores scenarios that require delayed messaging, the benefits of implementing a delay, and how to create a delayed exchange.

FAQ: What is a Delayed Message Exchange?

This tutorial explores scenarios that require delayed messaging, the benefits of implementing a delay, and how to create a delayed exchange.

FAQ: What is the RabbitMQ Federation plugin

Small applications grow. They blossom into larger projects requiring maintenance, load-balancing, software upgrades, and hardware that spans data centers and even continents. The RabbitMQ federation plugin helps maintain a high availability and lower latency by spreading...

FAQ: When and how to use the RabbitMQ Dead Letter Exchange

Some messages become undeliverable even when received by the broker. Don’t worry - there is no need to lose messages entirely. Setting up a RabbitMQ dead letter exchange and queues allows orphaned messages to be stored and processed.

FAQ: What is a RabbitMQ vhost?

RabbitMQ provides a way to segregate applications using the same RabbitMQ instance, though vhosts.

FAQ: How to Optimize the RabbitMQ Prefetch Count

The RabbitMQ prefetch value is used to specify how many messages are being sent at the same time. Understanding how to optimize the RabbitMQ prefetch count maximizes the speed of the system.

FAQ: RabbitMQ Basic Consumer vs. RabbitMQ Basic Get

RabbitMQ offers two ways to receive messages which are the polling-based basic.get and the push-based basic.consume. How to decide between using a consumer or a get request depends on the workload that each creates.

FAQ: How to reset the RabbitMQ broker?

In some cases, you just need to wipe everything off from your RabbitMQ server and start over. This article demonstrates how to do that.