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FAQ: What is AMQP and why is it used in RabbitMQ?

AMQP includes a set of standards that control the entire messaging process in AMQP message brokers, like RabbitMQ. It allows two parties to communicate by sending and receiving messages between them. This article examines the basics of AMQP 0.9.1.

FAQ: What is the relationship between connections and channels in RabbitMQ?

This article examines how clients, consumers, and brokers pass information over connections and channels in RabbitMQ.

FAQ: What is the message size limit in RabbitMQ?

Frequently Asked RabbitMQ Question: What is the message size limit?

FAQ: How to persist messages during RabbitMQ broker restart?

Frequently Asked RabbitMQ Question: How to persist messages during RabbitMQ broker restart? Messages, exchanges, and queues that are not durable and persistent will be lost during a broker restart. If you cannot afford to lose any messages, make sure that your queue is declared...

FAQ: How to close all connections in RabbitMQ?

Frequently Asked RabbitMQ Question: How do we close all connections in RabbitMQ? This article explains how to close a single or multiple connections in RabbitMQ.