All blog posts

Join us at the RabbitMQ Summit!

As October 15th approaches, excitement is building for the RabbitMQ Summit, and for CloudAMQP, this is more than just an event, it's a homecoming.

Update: Default HA-policy removed at CloudAMQP

The HA policy that came with a new cluster is no longer provided.

New regions available at CloudAMQP

The regions AWS Calgary, AWS Malaysia, and Azure Qatar are now available at CloudAMQP.

etcd and leader election in LavinMQ

LavinMQ has just launched another beta version of 2.0, bringing exciting new features! The highlight is clustering support, which enhances high availability.

LavinMQ cluster setup at CloudAMQP!

We're excited for the release of LavinMQ 2.0 (currently v2.0.0-rc.4), which will bring advanced clustering features to enhance performance and reliability on CloudAMQP; here’s a brief overview of the setup.

Disaster recovery strategies for your CloudAMQP cluster

CloudAMQP offers two disaster recovery techniques: cold and hot standby setups, each suited to different RTO and RPO requirements. This blog goes into the details of each strategy.

What you need to know about Classic Queues in RabbitMQ

This blog covers everything you need to know about Classic Queues. It is especially useful for users running RabbitMQ versions earlier than 4.0

When to use RabbitMQ or Apache Kafka

If you’re asking yourself if Apache Kafka is better than RabbitMQ or if RabbitMQ is more reliable than Apache Kafka, I want to stop you right there. This article will discuss both from a broader perspective. It has focus is on the functionality offered by both systems and will...

Customers in control with new predefined maintenance scheduling

You might prefer version updates to occur late at night when traffic is low, or you may have a designated maintenance window—such as early Monday mornings. Now, you can select your preferred time in the CloudAMQP console.

RabbitMQ Queue Types Explained

To persist messages, RabbitMQ uses a variety of queue types. This blog will look at each queue type in RabbitMQ.

Message Queues: A Simple Guide with Analogies

This guide explains message queues with analogies: databases, warehouses and post offices.

Complete our free RabbitMQ training course and get exclusive stickers!

Lets make the summer a fun opportunity to better up your RabbitMQ skills with our training tool.

Join the Live stream with CloudAMQP

CloudAMQP is hosting a Livestream on June 25th, around Apache Kafka vs RabbitMQ Streams.

JMS and AMQP in RabbitMQ

You’ve seen Java Message Service (JMS) and Advanced Message Queueing Protocol (AMQP) mentioned in the context of enterprise messaging — But what are they? Are they related? And what’s their connection to RabbitMQ?

RabbitMQ 3.13 Feature Highlights

We are happy to announce that RabbitMQ 3.13.2 is now available on CloudAMQP. This blog will review some of the key user-facing changes coming in this release.

MQTT Retained Messages

This blog will focus on the MQTT retained messages feature - what they are, why retain a message and how to retain a message.

Automatic Version Updates for LavinMQ

Keep your messaging service safe and up-to-date with new automated version updates for LavinMQ

From Mnesia to Khepri, Part 2: How Khepri Affects you

In the part 1 of this blog series, we gave an overview of Khepri and the motivation behind its creation. This part will cover what to expect when/if you switch to Khepri.

From Mnesia to Khepri, Part 1: Khepri Overview and Motivation

This blog series will explore Khepri, the new metadata store coming to RabbitMQ. This part will give an overview of Khepri and the motivation behind its creation.

Join the CloudAMQP Webinar on April 11th

Whether you're a beginner seeking foundational knowledge or an experienced professional, this webinar is designed to offer useful insights and practical advice.

DAG-based workflow with RabbitMQ

Directed Acyclic Graphs, or DAG, and RabbitMQ, can be combined to demonstrate which tasks in a system must be completed before others. In this blog, we'll explore this combination.

How Relay Delivery enhanced food delivery with RabbitMQ

In the fast-paced realm of food delivery, there is no margin for error. Relay Delivery, a third-party delivery company, has perfected the art of seamlessly linking couriers to restaurants. While their main operations take place in the vibrant streets of New York City, the magic...

Welcome to the CloudAMQP Summit!

Mark your calendar! The CloudAMQP Summit, an event dedicated to our passion for message queueing, is scheduled for the 28th of May in Stockholm.

Change Data Capture with RabbitMQ and Debezium, Part 2: The Demo

Beyond the basics, in this part we will see Change Data Capture in action. We will run a demo pipeline with RabbitMQ, Debezium and PostgreSQL.

Change Data Capture with RabbitMQ and Debezium, Part 1: The Basics

This blog explores the fundamentals of Change Data Capture - What is this about? What are its benefits and use-cases? And how does RabbitMQ fit in?

Welcome to a tech meetup in Wellington, New Zealand!

How to scale applications effectively with message queues.

RabbitMQ Annual Report - 2023

The new year provides CloudAMQP with an opportunity to delve into statistics from the previous year. Given our fondness for numbers, let's explore what these statistics are telling us!

Azure Monitor Log Integration

We are happy to announce that CloudAMQP added the possibility to ship logs to Azure Monitor!

Coralogix Log Integration

CloudAMQP is pleased to announce support for Coralogix log integration!

The Ten Most Frequently Asked Questions About RabbitMQ

RabbitMQ is a powerful tool, but you might still face some challenges. This blog curates the ten most frequently asked questions about RabbitMQ, along with their answers.

Now Live: Migrating from RabbitMQ to LavinMQ

We are excited to announce the launch of our new RabbitMQ to LavinMQ migration feature on CloudAMQP!

ActiveMQ vs RabbitMQ: An In-depth Comparison

For Java developers, ActiveMQ has been the go-to message broker, majorly due to its tight integration with the Java ecosystem. However, the rising prominence of RabbitMQ has piqued the interest of many in the Java community. This blog delves into a head-to-head comparison...

Viessmann uses RabbitMQ for smooth IoT communication

Certain needs are universal - among these are the needs for dependable heating or cooling systems and reliable ways of controlling them. Viessmann, a leading company in the field, fulfills these needs, partly thanks to its collaboration with CloudAMQP. This blog highlights the...

New feature: CloudAMQP and Private Service Connect

We are happy to announce the introduction of support for Private Service Connect for all our Google Cloud customers. This blog will walk you through how to enable this feature on CloudAMQP.

RabbitMQ and WebSockets, Part 2: Web-MQTT, Web-STOMP and Web-AMQP

In this article, we will explore the different techniques of connecting to RabbitMQ from the browser. We will also cover the performance differences of these techniques.

RabbitMQ and WebSockets, Part 1: AMQP, MQTT, and STOMP

This article sets the stage for understanding how to connect to RabbitMQ from a browser-based application - which we will explore in the second part of this series.

Python Celery & RabbitMQ: Mingling, Gossip, and Heartbeats

When using Python Celery with RabbitMQ, understanding features like Heartbeats, Mingling, and Gossip is crucial. These features can significantly impact message traffic and resource consumption - In this article, we will see how.

The Power of Message Queueing in Modern Applications

Ever wondered why your fitness app doesn't crash when thousands of others use it simultaneously, or how your bank swiftly processes transactions even during peak hours? The secret ingredient in many of today's modern applications is called Message Queueing.

Upgrade Legacy Queueing: RabbitMQ Summit Pre-Conference Webinar

Join us for the RabbitMQ Summit pre-conference webinar on September 7 at 10:00 AM (CEST). This session, led by Sofie Abrahamsson (CloudAMQP) and Brett Cameron (VMS Software Inc.), delves into RabbitMQ's potential to replace outdated message queuing solutions in legacy...

RabbitMQ directories and files, part 2: Data directory

This article demystifies the RabbitMQ data directory - the role it plays in persisting messages and other meta-data

RabbitMQ directories and files, part 1: Log and config files

Discover the essential guide to RabbitMQ's log and configuration files, their roles, and where to find them across various operating systems

Message queues vs HTTPS in microservices, part 2: Streamlining load balancing and service discovery

In this blog, we will see how https-based microservices introduce the need for load balancing and service discovery. In the end, we will see how a queue-based approach simplifies all these.

Message queues vs HTTPS in microservices, part 1: A more decoupled architecture

This blog will explore the challenges around tight-coupling in https-based microservices. In the end, we will see how a queue-based approach could help in mitigating these challenges.

RabbitMQ 3.12 Takes MQTT Support to the Next Level

We are happy to announce that RabbitMQ 3.12 is now available on CloudAMQP.

Azure Marketplace Revamped

A new, full-featured, and more robust Azure Marketplace integration has been released.

AMQP vs MQTT: Messaging protocols compared

Both AMQP and MQTT are messaging protocols. However, both protocols have their strengths and weaknesses, making it essential to understand their similarities, differences, and use cases. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of AMQP and MQTT.

CloudAMQP attended PyCon in Florence

The CloudAMQP team was present at the Python Conference held in Flerence, Italy on the 25/05/2023.

Welcome to join RabbitMQ Summit 2023

The CloudAMQP team presents to you the 2023 RabbitMQ Summit scheduled to hold in Berlin, Germany.

The LavinMQ webinar is now available on Youtube

The recorded video of the LavinMQ webinar hosted by CloudAMQP is now available on YouTube

CloudAMQP is excited to announce the release of LavinMQ 1.0!

LavinMQ 1.0 results from years of development and testing and is now ready to become your new message broker.

Webinar: LavinMQ is here, but why launch another message broker?

What's the fuss about the new next-generation message broker, LavinMQ? Let's dive into it with a free LavinMQ webinar! Discover the what and the how, and ask your questions directly to the core team.

Persistence configuration in RabbitMQ; Understanding the message store and the queue index

In this blog post, we will discuss the pros and cons of persistence configuration to understand when it makes sense to make changes and when to avoid them.

RabbitMQ performance testing: throughput and latency

This article covers performance testing on RabbitMQ, enabling readers to conduct it themselves

LavinMQ performance testing: throughput and latency

This article covers performance testing on LavinMQ, enabling readers to conduct it themselves

ChatGPT on Slack: build a Slack bot with ChatGPT API, LavinMQ and Python

Picture ChatGPT joining your team's daily discussions on Slack - Think ChatOps. In this tutorial, we will build our own ChatGPT integration for Slack.

Happy Hare - the new in-between plan for RabbitMQ

Meet the new Happy Hare plan on CloudAMQP.

Manage CloudAMQP resources with Terraform

Create, update and configure CloudAMQP instances, VPCs and more features with a simple configuration file. Here’s an introduction on how to use Terraform to manage your CloudAMQP resources through code.

Welcome to Ruby Game Show Meetup in Stockholm!

Let’s meet, mingle, and have some fun in Stockholm with our mutual friend Ruby!

Microservices and Message Queues, Part 7: Caveats for real-world use cases

While implementing our demo project in parts 5 & 6, we did dumb down a couple of things for brevity’s sake. This article will suggest how some of those things could be improved.

Microservices and Message Queues, Part 6: Building the second service

In the previous post, we implemented the first service in our distributed architecture. This post will walk you through implementing the second service.

Microservices and Message Queues, Part 5: Building the first service

Recall that the previous article discussed breaking down our demo project into two smaller services. This article will walk us through building the first service.

CloudAMQP - home of the new message broker LavinMQ

What’s new, fast, and open-source? The message broker LavinMQ, hosted by CloudAMQP! Get familiar with our latest product, and why not get a free instance to try it out?

Microservices and Message Queues, Part 4: Introducing the demo project

Equipped with the theoretical knowledge of message queues, RabbitMQ, and CloudAMQP, next, let's apply what we've learned to a realworld project - this article will introduce our demo project.

Microservices and Message Queues, Part 3: RabbitMQ and CloudAMQP

Now that we know what message queues are in general, let's explore RabbitMQ and how CloudAMQP simplifies working with it.

Microservices and Message Queues, Part 2: Message Queues use cases

To build on our knowledge of what message queues are, this article will cover some practical use cases of message queues.

Microservices and Message Queues, Part 1: Understanding Message Queues

This article will cover the fundamentals of message queues in the broader sense.

RabbitMQ plugins: The what and the how

Let’s kick off the conversation on a note that’s not directly related to RabbitMQ Plugins, but returning to establish the connection eventually.

RabbitMQ Streams and Replay Features, Part 3: Limits and configurations

Beyond the default configurations that are bundled with a Stream, you might want to customize these default settings in some scenarios. This article looks at some of these configurations as well as the limitations of RabbitMQ Streams.

RabbitMQ Streams and replay features, Part 2: How to work with RabbitMQ Streams

Queues in RabbitMQ are great! The RabbitMQ team introduced Streams in RabbitMQ 3.9 to open up newer use cases for RabbitMQ. Having explored those use cases in the previous post, this article demonstrates how to work with RabbitMQ Streams.

RabbitMQ Streams and Replay Features, Part 1: When to Use RabbitMQ Streams

The RabbitMQ team introduced Streams in RabbitMQ 3.9 to open up newer use cases for RabbitMQ and address any fall-flat scenarios. This article explores RabbitMQ streams and, more specifically, what they are and the new possibilities they present.

Learn RabbitMQ free with the new RabbitMQ Training Course

Learn everything you need to know to master RabbitMQ, from beginner to advanced. The course is free and can be taken at any time, allowing you to do it at your own schedule and pace.

adidas tracks sports activities with help from RabbitMQ

You go for a run, and when you're done, your buddy, adidas Running, will tell you how you did. Behind the scenes there is a dedicated team of engineers relying on RabbitMQ.

CloudAMQP talks at the RabbitMQ Summit

We are proud to announce that three members of the CloudAMQP team will be speaking during the RabbitMQ Summit. Here is a summary of our talks and the time slots not to miss out on!

Know Before You Go – A Crash Course in RabbitMQ with CloudAMQP

New to Message Queueing? In need of a crash course before the RabbitMQ Summit? CloudAMQP and Erlang Solutions have just the right meetup for you!

Five Reasons To Consider LavinMQ When Choosing Message Broker

We're here to introduce you to LavinMQ, the new lightweight, resource efficient, easy-to-use message broker that is built to be faster and more approachable than existing options.

RabbitMQ Fanout Exchange Explained

RabbitMQ has some built-in exchanges and some that are enabled via a plugin. Fanout exchange is built in to RabbitMQ and can be used to route one message to multiple users. Use a fanout exchange when you wish to broadcast data to multiple places.

RabbitMQ Topic Exchange Explained

In RabbitMQ, messages are published to an exchange and, depending on the type of exchange, the message gets routed to one or more queues. This blog post will be focusing on the Direct Exchange in RabbitMQ.

RabbitMQ Direct Exchange Explained

Need powerful routing capabilities and reliable message deliveries? Topic exchange is a built-in exchange in RabbitMQ, enabling the use of wildcards in the binding key.

Frontiers make scientific discoveries open - for the benefit of humanity

Frontiers has made it its mission to make scientific publications free to access and available for everyone. A quest in which RabbitMQ plays an important role behind the scenes.

FAQ: How to purge unacked messages from a queue in RabbitMQ

Multiple queues in our broker have a lot of messages. We tried to remove the piled-up messages by purging the queue, but only messages in a ready state got deleted. There are still queues with messages that are in an unacked state. How could these be deleted?

FAQ: What is the delivery mode in AMQP?

There seems to be two options available for “delivery mode” in AMQP, namely non-persistent and persistent. What does this actually mean?

What’s new in RabbitMQ 3.10?

CloudAMQP is happy to announce that RabbitMQ version 3.10 is now available for our customers. In this blog post, we will go through the most significant changes and features.

Win Two Tickets to the RabbitMQ Summit in London

London in September is especially nice! Find out how you can win two tickets to the RabbitMQ Summit 2022 and join the RabbitMQ community for a one-day conference at Code Node!

RabbitMQ Summit 2022 - Hybrid Event

Amazing news! The RabbitMQ Summit is back, and this year it’s both digital and in person!

LavinMQ for beginners - Sample code for Python

This article will take you through code examples for LavinMQ with Python, steps to set up your own LavinMQ instance, and a relatable example of a working LavinMQ system to follow for yourself.

LavinMQ for beginners - Sample code for Node.js

This article will take you through code examples for LavinMQ with Node.js, steps to set up your own LavinMQ instance, and a relatable example of a working LavinMQ system to follow for yourself.

LavinMQ for beginners - Sample code for Ruby

This article will take you through code examples for LavinMQ with Ruby, steps to set up your own LavinMQ instance, and a relatable example of a working LavinMQ system to follow for yourself.

LavinMQ for beginners - Sample code

Sample code for Ruby, Python and Node.js. All the tutorials contain both basic and advanced information and step-by-step instructions.

Guide: LavinMQ for beginners. What is LavinMQ?

This article is the first in a series of LavinMQ and will take you through concepts of message queueing, steps to set up your own LavinMQ instance, and a relatable example of a working LavinMQ system to follow for yourself.

Moving From Classic Mirrored Queues to Quorum Queues

Released with RabbitMQ 3.8.0, quorum queues is the latest queue type ready to replace classic mirrored queues in the near future. In this article, we will explain why and how to make the move from classic mirrored queues to quorum queues in different ways.

Automated Email Service with RabbitMQ is a Gamechanger for Trustt

Trustt went from sending 1,800 emails per day to 70,000 by switching several of its processes from a synchronous system. Read on to learn how automating emails and avoiding bottlenecks was a gamechanger for Trustt.

Redesigning the sidebar for smoother navigation

CloudAMQP keeps on growing and constantly adding new features. The easiest way to find new features is through the menu.

How to Avoid the Pitfalls of the Delayed Message Exchange

The use of delayed message exchange turned out to be quite useful, but not without its quirks. This article will help you understand how delayed message exchange works so you can avoid potential pitfalls.

Message Queuing for Beginners - The Non-developer Perspective

Feeling a bit lost and intimidated by the amount of information out there about Message Queuing? Well, honestly, so did I. But the CloudAMQP team is here to hold your hand, and if you give us 10 minutes of your time, things will perhaps start to make a bit more sense!

RabbitMQ as a backbone: Rever’s application depends solely on a stable infrastructure

"RabbitMQ has been very stable and consistent since the beginning. It is an extremely critical component for us."

Make sure to run the latest versions of RabbitMQ and Erlang

If your cluster has not been updated for a while, you may be running old versions of both Erlang and RabbitMQ. Here is an updated guide about how to upgrade your CloudAMQP cluster.

Updates to Consumer Alarms for RabbitMQ

Never have consumer alarms been easier to handle than now. A small but highly-anticipated update is here to ease your inbox flow

New feature: CloudAMQP and Azure PrivateLink

We are adding support for PrivateLink for all our customers using Azure. PrivateLink lets you connect securely from the servers in your resource group to the AMQP brokers on CloudAMQP. The data is secure and never leaves the Azure network.

How to Use All the Limits in RabbitMQ

Explore how regular use of RabbitMQ can be made more stable by introducing limits on some common resource leaks.

RabbitMQ Checklist For Production Environments - A Complete Guide

Learn how to avoid the most common setup errors and enjoy a more stable RabbitMQ environment

How Educational Content Helps You Grow

Working on creative strategies for technical marketing has never been more exciting, that’s why we love our work in the technical marketing team at CloudAMQP. Not only do we get to create content like technical guides, blog posts, and informative videos - we also get to...

Annual RabbitMQ report 2022 by CloudAMQP

CloudAMQP's annual report based on CloudAMQP customer usage of RabbitMQ. We take a closer look at versions, language and client distribution among other things.

Comparing RabbitMQ Hosting Providers

It seems like everyone is jumping on the RabbitMQ bandwagon, and we’re all for it! But how do you decide on the best RabbitMQ hosting service? What matters when you consider features and technology? How much does expertise count and do those user reviews really help?

FAQ: What is a Delayed Message Exchange?

This tutorial explores scenarios that require delayed messaging, the benefits of implementing a delay, and how to create a delayed exchange.

RabbitMQ 3.9 now Available for CloudAMQP

CloudAMQP is happy to announce that RabbitMQ version 3.9, along with features like Streams, is now available for our customers. In this blog post, we will go through the most significant features.

CloudAMQP Announces AMQP Crystal Client

For Crystal applications to communicate with RabbitMQ and other applications, CloudAMQP has launched a new, small, fast, and safe AMQP library for Crystal.

CloudAMQP Announces Custom Domain support

By popular demand, CloudAMQP is happy to announce the ability to customize your domain for dedicated instances.

RabbitMQ and AMQP - Dictionary A-Z

Navigate through the concepts of AMQP and RabbitMQ.

RabbitMQ Available on Google Marketplace via CloudAMQP

CloudAMQP is excited to announce that our plans are now available through Google Marketplace. As the manager of the largest fleet of RabbitMQ clusters in the world, CloudAMQP is always looking to deliver more features and better services to our customers.

Change RabbitMQ Configurations from the CloudAMQP Console

You can now easily change some of the most common RabbitMQ configurations from the CloudAMQP Console.

CloudAMQP launches a new library for Ruby

For Ruby applications to communicate with RabbitMQ and other applications, CloudAMQP launches a new, smaller, faster and safer AMQP library for Ruby.

CloudAMQP Introducing: Scheduled maintenance

CloudAMQP introduces scheduled maintenance and ensures that customers always have the latest security updates regardless of their operating system and setup.

CloudAMQP releases AMQP Websockets

By popular demand, CloudAMQP announces AMQP websockets - a built-in feature making it possible to communicate with your RabbitMQ server or cluster directly from a web browser.

CloudAMQP presents The RabbitMQ Summit, 13-14 July 2021

On July 13 and 14, the first online version of the RabbitMQ Summit will take place. This year, CloudAMQP will be present as a platinum sponsor and speaker.

Connection limit per user - a community requested feature made available by Erlang Solutions and CloudAMQP

For a while now, the RabbitMQ community has been requesting a feature to limit the maximum number of connections for a specific user to a specific vhost. With the release of RabbitMQ 3.8.10, this feature was made possible through collaboration between Erlang Solutions and...

RPC with RabbitMQ Direct Reply-to

This article examines the ability of RabbitMQ to serve as a middle-man for a remote procedure call, using direct reply-to.

CloudAMQP adds new regions

The list of supported regions is growing. Read about our latest added regions available for CloudAMQP customers.

CloudAMQP now available on AWS Eventbridge

CloudAMQP are happy to announce that we’re now offering a native AWS Eventbridge integration.

FAQ: What is a Delayed Message Exchange?

This tutorial explores scenarios that require delayed messaging, the benefits of implementing a delay, and how to create a delayed exchange.

FAQ: What is the RabbitMQ Federation plugin

Small applications grow. They blossom into larger projects requiring maintenance, load-balancing, software upgrades, and hardware that spans data centers and even continents. The RabbitMQ federation plugin helps maintain a high availability and lower latency by spreading...

Exchange to exchange bindings in RabbitMQ

It is possible to add a binding between two exchanges in RabbitMQ. This article explains how and when to use the exchange to exchange binding.

Introducing New Book, RabbitMQ Essentials

Learn more about the ultimate RabbitMQ guide written by the experts at CloudAMQP, now available at Amazon.

Copy your CloudAMQP configurations from one dedicated instance to another

Your RabbitMQ usage has been made easier with the ability to copy configurations. In this article, we will explain the process of doing so between existing and new dedicated instances.

Information Regarding Changes to our Contracts and Policies

Soon it will be three years since the GDPR was legally enforced. Since then, CloudAMQP has become both SOC 2 Type 2 and HIPAA compliant, our GDPR Compliance Program has expanded, and our processes concerning our customers' privacy have been further enhanced.

RabbitMQ Use cases: Explaining message queues and when to use them

We as human beings have always sought ways to communicate, even when there have been distances in between us. The same need exists in the computer world - a method to send, receive, and create the message itself.

SOC 2 Type 2 and HIPAA Compliance

We are proud and happy to announce that we have received our second year SOC 2 Type 2 attestation report on January 29, 2021.

Annual RabbitMQ report by CloudAMQP

Join us as we present an annual report for 2020, which offers surprising insights and facts on how our customers use RabbitMQ and CloudAMQP.

FAQ: When and how to use the RabbitMQ Dead Letter Exchange

Some messages become undeliverable even when received by the broker. Don’t worry - there is no need to lose messages entirely. Setting up a RabbitMQ dead letter exchange and queues allows orphaned messages to be stored and processed.

The reasons you should switch to Quorum Queues

Announcing the rollout of the new CloudAMQP plans! As of today, we’re introducing two new plans, 5-node clusters, consistent machine types and sizes for all plans.

New and updated CloudAMQP plans

Announcing the rollout of the new CloudAMQP plans! As of today, we’re introducing two new plans, 5-node clusters, consistent machine types and sizes for all plans.

Online Meetup: The difference between Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ explained!

This free online event explores the differences between two popular message brokers from a use-case perspective

New! Video from CloudAMQP, “What is Message Queueing? Message Queues explained!”

This video explains message queuing from scratch and presents the benefits in relatable, real-life scenarios.

New supported regions for CloudAMQP

The CloudAMQP team is happy to announce that we have added support for new AWS regions, making customers able to set up and run their applications locally.

CloudAMQP will be discontinued on cloud providers IBM Cloud and Rackspace

CloudAMQP have decided to remove some of the cloud providers from our offering.

Pivotal Web Service - End of Availability - how PWS users can keep their instances

PWS (Pivotal Web Service) is closing its doors, but users will still be able to keep their CloudAMQP instances!

Collecting Unroutable Messages in a RabbitMQ Alternate Exchange

A client may accidentally or maliciously route messages using non-existent routing keys. To avoid complications from lost information, collecting unroutable messages in a RabbitMQ alternate exchange is an easy, safe backup.

How to run RabbitMQ with Node.JS

This tutorial shows you how to connect to RabbitMQ in node.js. All code is present on Github.

How to run RabbitMQ with PHP

This tutorial shows you how to connect to RabbitMQ in PHP. All code is present on Github.

How to run RabbitMQ with Ruby

This tutorial shows you how to connect to RabbitMQ in Ruby. All code is present on Github.

How to run RabbitMQ with Python

This tutorial shows you how to connect to RabbitMQ in Python. All code is present on Github.

FAQ: What is a RabbitMQ vhost?

RabbitMQ provides a way to segregate applications using the same RabbitMQ instance, though vhosts.

FAQ: How to Optimize the RabbitMQ Prefetch Count

The RabbitMQ prefetch value is used to specify how many messages are being sent at the same time. Understanding how to optimize the RabbitMQ prefetch count maximizes the speed of the system.

FAQ: RabbitMQ Basic Consumer vs. RabbitMQ Basic Get

RabbitMQ offers two ways to receive messages which are the polling-based basic.get and the push-based basic.consume. How to decide between using a consumer or a get request depends on the workload that each creates.

Enabling RabbitMQ Plugins and Discovering new Features

Enable RabbitMQ plugins and enhance your broker’s default capabilities. This article covers how to enable RabbitMQ plugins. It also reviews many popular add-ons and shows that the capability of a RabbitMQ broker can perform way past the default settings.

Introducing the new, improved RabbitMQ specific alarms

CloudAMQP has made significant improvements to the configurable RabbitMQ alarms and addressed some popular user requests.

FAQ: How to reset the RabbitMQ broker?

In some cases, you just need to wipe everything off from your RabbitMQ server and start over. This article demonstrates how to do that.

Coming soon: new CloudAMQP plans

We'll soon launch new 1, 3 and 5 node plans. And a new smaller plan, designed for testing.

Provisioning a RabbitMQ instance on the cloud using AWS and CloudAMQP

In this article, we help you gain access to a fully managed RabbitMQ instance through CloudAMQP that can scale with your needs, using AWS VPC and a firewall for security.

Adding support for AWS PrivateLink

Keeping data private is important to us, which is why we encourage encrypted connections to CloudAMQP clusters. Now we are adding support for Amazon Web Services (AWS) PrivateLink to make it even easier.

Video - Microservices and Message Queues explained

In this video we take a closer look at Microservices and Message Queueing to uncover the benefits of this architecture.

CloudAMQP Releases New Video - RabbitMQ Use Cases

Announcing a brand new video by CloudAMQP on RabbitMQ Use Cases. Take just five minutes of your time and learn more about how RabbitMQ is transforming old-fashioned monolithic architecture into sleek, new microservice architecture styles.

RabbitMQ now available on AWS Marketplace via CloudAMQP

CloudAMQP, the manager of the largest fleet of RabbitMQ clusters in the world, is excited to announce that our plans are now available through the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace. What does this mean for our valued customers? Read on to discover more great advantages of...

Microservices - why use RabbitMQ?

Today’s monolithic systems are being replaced at a rapid pace by microservice architecture. To understand why this is the case requires a closer look into the core of message queuing and the benefits of using RabbitMQ as a message broker in a microservice architecture.

How do I verify my version of RabbitMQ?

This article examines the process of checking your RabbitMQ version using the command line in both Windows and Ubuntu and via the management console.

How RabbitMQ transformed agri-tech app FarmBot

Explore how and why FarmBot - an open-source robot farming app - decided to use RabbitMQ and CloudAMQP.

Prometheus and Grafana with CloudAMQP

Let’s take a look at Prometheus and Grafana for RabbitMQ on a CloudAMQP instance.

Commitment to Security: Announcing SOC 2 Compliance

We are proud and happy to announce that we have received a SOC 2 Type 2 attestation report on January 24, 2020. The assessment by an external party and their report provides evidence of our dedication to provide our customers with a secure high-quality service.

RabbitMQ and Erlang upgrades

Keeping your RabbitMQ cluster updated with the latest RabbitMQ and Erland versions should be a high priority.

Message priority in RabbitMQ

Sometimes messages simply have a higher priority and need to be handled before other messages. Thankfully, RabbitMQ supports priority queues, and a queue can be set to have a range of priorities.

Annual RabbitMQ report 2020 by CloudAMQP

CloudAMQP's annual report for 2019 based on CloudAMQP customer usage of RabbitMQ. We take a closer look at versions, language and client distribution among other things. Be prepared for some interesting facts.

Keynote: Growing a Farm of Rabbits To Scale Financial Apps

Today, Bloomberg's engineering teams around the globe have access to a fully-managed RabbitMQ platform. This enables them to achieve scalability, flexibility, and maintainability, without needing to focus on the RabbitMQ Server details. We’ll see how one such team has used the...

Panel debate: RabbitMQ and its future

It's time to talk about the current state and future for the most widely deployed open source message broker in the world. Selected guests takes part in a panel debate, including questions from the audience.

Monitoring & scaling based on RabbitMQ telemetry

Zalando's Communication platform products are powered by a RabbitMQ cluster. Multiple telemetry points allows the system to gain scalability and resilience patterns in real time. Managing cost efficiency and performance at Zalando has been a seamless effort thanks to our setup.

Keynote: An update from the RabbitMQ team (version 3.8)

Hear from the RabbitMQ core engineering team about what near term updates to 3.8 will include. Making RabbitMQ more protocol agnostic, easier to manage and scale, and changes to the schema database.

Rapidly Building Event Driven and Streaming Applications with RabbitMQ

In this live-coding session we explore a variety of event processing and streaming solutions built with RabbitMQ. We will show how Spring Cloud Streams and RabbitMQ provide abstractions for developers to build event driven apps. You will learn tools and techniques to solve...

Running RabbitMQ at Scale

CloudAMQP provides RabbitMQ clusters as a service, but what happens behind the scenes? It all runs on RabbitMQ servers that provide various functionality in setting up, configuring, monitoring and updating our RabbitMQ service. In this talk we'll go into how AMQP and RabbitMQ...

Lifting the lid on Quorum Queues

Quorum Queues are a promising new RabbitMQ feature but how do they work under the hood? What were the design decisions and trade-offs that had to be made and what even is Raft? In this session Karl aims to explain how Quorum Queues came about and provide a high-level overview...

Do not guess, Trace

RabbitMQ runs on a battle-tested Erlang VM which provides Distributed, Fault-Tolerant, Highly Available and Robust systems out of the box. But this doesn't always prevent our RabbitMQ installation from misbehaving without clear signs of what's wrong. Here Tracing, another...

Feature complete: Uncovering the true cost different RabbitMQ features and configs

They call RabbitMQ the swiss army knife of messaging systems, but what impact do all those features have on performance? In this talk we'll review common features and their effect on end-to-end latency, throughput and broker load. We'll see concrete numbers and come to...

WeWork's good enough order guarantee

Ilana and Avikam figured out how to rearchitect their app's RabbitMQ pipeline in order to save WeWork's developers time and money. They are here to show you a strategy to guarantee message serialization when order matters, and to convince you that sometimes the best solution is...


RabbitMQ is a multi-protocol messaging broker, which, on a vanilla installation supports AMQP-0.9-1. Through its plugin architecture, RabbitMQ may also be configured for other protocols such as EMQX and MQTT. Which of these two are better? Join me in this talk as I answer these...

Observe and understand RabbitMQ

RabbitMQ exposes metrics and healthchecks that answer all questions. Future RabbitMQ versions will make it easy to visualise and understand what happens under the hood. Join me to learn about the future of RabbitMQ observability.

Practical advice for the care and feeding of RabbitMQ

After 10 years of heavy use of RabbitMQ in production, common problems, patterns, and solutions have emerged. In this talk we will cover architecture, configuration and operational management, monitoring, and maybe a disaster story or two.

Uncommon monitoring and analytics for RabbitMQ

In order to detect anomalies and prevent runtime issues that can compromise the delivery of business services that depend on RabbitMQ, effective monitoring, alerting and analytics tools can make a big difference. But are all of the available tools alike? Attend this session to...

How to use multiple RabbitMQ brokers with SpringBoot

How to connect your SpringBoot application to multiple RabbitMQ brokers? But why do you need multiple RabbitMQ brokers in the first place? We wrote this simple-to-use open source library to solve different use cases from brokers in different PAAS providers to dedicated brokers.

Using the source-oriented exchanges pattern to keep events in order

Almost every publish-subscribe technology embraces a model where messages appear on correspondingly distinct topics. Unfortunately this leads to loss in order of events across the topics. Alex will show how RabbitMQ offer a way to implement the equivalent of topics without...

FAQ: What is AMQP and why is it used in RabbitMQ?

AMQP includes a set of standards that control the entire messaging process in AMQP message brokers, like RabbitMQ. It allows two parties to communicate by sending and receiving messages between them. This article examines the basics of AMQP 0.9.1.

FAQ: What is the relationship between connections and channels in RabbitMQ?

This article examines how clients, consumers, and brokers pass information over connections and channels in RabbitMQ.

RabbitMQ 3.8 Feature Focus - What is the RabbitMQ feature flag?

Feature flags are new to RabbitMQ version 3.8. These flags define a RabbitMQ node’s ability to become a part of a cluster. Nodes using the subsystem must have the same dependencies. This article reviews the new system, how to set flags, and how they are used in upgrades.

Running Celery with RabbitMQ

Get familiar with how Celery spreads longer running tasks among many workers, using a message broker such as RabbitMQ.

New Azure regions enabled for CloudAMQP

We’re happy to let you know that we have enabled new Azure regions for CloudAMQP.

What is new in RabbitMQ 3.8?

Over the past two releases, RabbitMQ trended towards reliability and increased security. The newest version, 3.8, brings authorization and failover alongside increasingly beneficial improvements to components such as logging and visualization.

Win a Ticket to RabbitMQ Summit 2019

Win a ticket for you and a friend by contributing with a user story.

Don’t Panic! A developer’s guide through the Microservice jungle

This tutorial will familiarize you with microservices, message queues, databases, PaaS, IoT, Raspberry Pi’s and SaaS, and will teach you how and when to use these services and technologies.

Get better insight into your upcoming invoices

We are offering a more transparent billing. You now have full insight into upcoming invoices.

RabbitMQ Summit 2019

CloudAMQP is happy to announce that we, together with Erlang Solutions, are hosting the 2nd annual RabbitMQ summit in London.

AWS Bahrain now supported

Great news! CloudAMQP customers are now able to create their cluster in AWS-Middle-East (Bahrain).

Publishing Throughput - Asynchronous vs Synchronous

In this article we will look at the impact that asynchronous vs synchronous publishing has on throughput when using publisher confirms.

Maintaining Long-Lived Connections with AMQProxy

The AMQProxy is a specialized AMQP proxy developed by CloudAMQP that uses connection and channel pooling/reuse in order to reduce connection churn on brokers.

GCP firewall configuration enabled for CloudAMQP

Safety first! The CloudAMQP team are happy to announce that CloudAMQP now offers firewall support for Google Cloud Platform.

FAQ: What is the message size limit in RabbitMQ?

Frequently Asked RabbitMQ Question: What is the message size limit?

New regions in GCE

Support added for new regions in GCE: Los Angeles, Netherlands, Hong Kong and Montréal, Canada.

AWS Hongkong now supported

The team behind CloudAMQP is happy to announce that we now offer support for AWS Hongkong.

What value will your enterprise organization capture by using CloudAMQP

Deliver applications and services at high speed with CloudAMQP - Message queuing as a Service.

RabbitMQ 3.8 Feature Focus - Single Active Consumer

RabbitMQ 3.8 is coming this year, and it will bring four new major features. Single Active Consumer (SAC) is a really nice feature that is coming, which allows for new consumer patterns that were not possible or more difficult to achieve beforehand.

Updated Documentation for CloudAMQP APIs

The documentation for CloudAMQP API:s has been updated and moved to its own place. Read up about how you can create your instances, set up alarms, or restart your cluster via the APIs.

Teams and SAML improvements

A set of highly requested team and user management features has arrived. Multiple teams, transfer subscriptions, SAML enforced roles and turning off password based logins.

Quorum Queues Internals - A Deep Dive

It's time for a deep dive into the Raft distributed consensus algorithm, used by the new Quorum Queues feature of the upcoming RabbitMQ 3.8 release.

RabbitMQ 3.8 Feature Focus - Quorum Queues

RabbitMQ 3.8 is coming this year, and it will bring four new major features. Perhaps the most significant is a new queue type called Quorum Queues. It's time to cover all in this blog post.

Getting started with RabbitMQ? Download our FREE ebook!

Wondering how to start with RabbitMQ? Download our FREE ebook today to get an intro to RabbitMQ and CloudAMQP. The best book with tutorials to get started!

CloudAMQP invites 2019!

2018, the year we spread the word! This blog is all about what we have been up to, and what we will prioritise during 2019.

Meet Softonic - From a monolith architecture to microservices and event-based communication.

CloudAMQP met up with Softonic to hear their story on how RabbitMQ, as an event bus between microservices, contributes to a reliable, fast and effective architecture perfect for their purpose.

AWS Europe (Stockholm) now supported!

AWS is now in CloudAMQP's home country! We've added the eu-north-1 region.

GCP Finland supported!

It's now possible to create your RabbitMQ Cluster in Finland. The region, europe-north1, is now supported by CloudAMQP.

Summing up RabbitMQ Summit 2018 and looking forward to 2019

RabbitMQ Summit 2018 was a single tracked, one day, conference with 9 speakers, which brought light to RabbitMQ from a number of angles. The summit was a success and now we’re looking forward to 2019!

RabbitMQ Summit talk recap: Scaling RabbitMQ at Goldman Sachs - Jonathan Skrzypek

Jonathan Skrzypek talked about why and how Goldman Sachs adopted RabbitMQ as a first class citizen in thier messaging product portfolio.

RabbitMQ Summit talk recap: What we've learned from running thousands of production RabbitMQ clusters

CloudAMQP has been running dedicated and shared RabbitMQ clusters for customers around the world, in seven different clouds. In this talk Lovisa address tshe most common misconception, misconfigurations and anti-patterns in RabbitMQ usage.

RabbitMQ Summit talk recap: What it's like to bet your entire startup on Rabbit - Nathan Herald

Wunderlist made big bets on two technologies: AWS and rabbit. I will give an overview of what it’s like to live with rabbit for years, the tools and practices we built up around rabbit, and as many tips and learnings as I can. In this talk you'll see real world data, hear...

RabbitMQ Summit talk recap: A walk-through of the design and architecture of RabbitMQ - Ayanda Dube

As the use of RabbitMQ grows, there's a growing need for its operators and engineers to have a good understanding and appreciation of its internal design, and how its sub-components interact to meet the various messaging requirements in industry. In this talk I walk through the...

RabbitMQ Summit talk recap: Real-world RabbitMQ deployments - Gerhard Lazu

As the use of RabbitMQ grows, there's a growing need for its operators and engineers to have a good understanding and appreciation of its internal design, and how its sub-components interact to meet the various messaging requirements in industry. In this talk I walk through the...

RabbitMQ Summit talk recap: Panel Discussion about what's new and what's on the horizon for RabbitMQ

A panel debate with a selection of guests, including questions from the audience. Time to talk about the future for the most widely deployed open source message broker in the world: RabbitMQ.

RabbitMQ Summit talk recap: Developing RabbitMQ plugins in Elixir - Matteo Cafasso

RabbitMQ comprises of a state of the art plugin architecture, allowing it to be highly customizable and extensible to meet various requirements which may not be supported by an 'out-of-the-box' broker installation. This presentation gives an overview of RabbitMQ's plugin...

RabbitMQ Summit talk recap: The Consistent Hash Exchange: Making RabbitMQ a better broker - Jack Vanlightly

This session will cover an alternative to the competing consumer pattern by using the Consistent Hash Exchange. We'll see how this exchange enables different messaging patterns such as data locality, message processing order guarantees at scale and helping to avoid large queues...

RabbitMQ Summit talk recap: An update from the RabbitMQ team - Michael Klishin

Curious about what the RabbitMQ team has been up to since 3.7.0 shipped in November 2017? In this talk we will cover what's coming in 3.8.0 and beyond.

RabbitMQ Summit talk recap: Idiomatic RabbitMQ - Gavin M Roy

In this talk Gavin will cover AMQP in the context of its use in RabbitMQ with a premise that if you don't fully understand AMQP, you don't understand RabbitMQ. Gavin will discuss the by-directional RPC behaviour, connections, channels, objects, methods, and properties.

RabbitMQ version distribution on CloudAMQP

43% of all clusters at CloudAMQP are now running 3.7!

Azure Australia supported!

We are today happy to announce that CloudAMQP now is available in Azure Australia!

Is HiPE production ready?

6% of all clusters at CloudAMQP has HiPE enabled - and we are today running thousands of nodes. Yes, HiPE is production ready.

IBM Cloud Catalogue

CloudAMQP is from now on available in the IBM Cloud Catalogue! This article also include information to users that are still using legacy instances on the IBM cloud.

RabbitMQ and Microservices

In this blog post, we give you the perks of a microservice architecture built on RabbitMQ and CloudAMQP to show you the benefits of the age of message queuing.

Meet Hemnet: On-Premises to the Cloud with RabbitMQ

The property listing platform, Hemnet, moved from a full on-premise solution to a cloud-based solution in less than a year. This is the story about how they changed from in-house to the cloud, and how RabbitMQ became an important player during the migration.

CloudAMQP at the RabbitMQ Summit 2018

The first RabbitMQ Summit is taking place in London this fall. We are looking forward to meeting as many of our users there as possible!

AWS CloudWatch Logs Integration

Check out how to ship your RabbitMQ logs from CloudAMQP dedicated instances to CloudWatch Logs! CloudWatch Logs makes it easy to centralize, search and monitor your log data from any environment. All you need to do...

Google Cloud Stackdriver Logging Integration

Check out how to ship your RabbitMQ logs from CloudAMQP dedicated instances to Stackdriver! Stackdriver makes it easy to centralize, search and monitor your log data from any environment. All you need to do...

RabbitMQ Summit 2018

The first RabbitMQ Summit is taking place in London this fall. We are looking forward to meeting as many of our users there as possible!

Diagnostic Tool for RabbitMQ

We're thrilled to announce a new RabbitMQ Diagnostic Tool! A while ago, we published a popular RabbitMQ Best Practice Guide, and we have now taken it one step further and simplified your investigation of misbehaving RabbitMQ clusters even more.

Preparing for the GDPR

CloudAMQP is currently working with preparing our business for compliance. This post is intended to give our customers an update on our current status in regards to GDPR.

VictorOps and OpsGenie alarms

We now support VictorOps and OpsGenie as additional alternatives for receiving alarm notifications from your instance.

RabbitMQ 3.7

RabbitMQ 3.7 is released. You can now select 3.7 when creating a new cluster. Already running dedicated clusters can be upgraded from our console page.

AWS EU Paris region now supported!

We are happy to announce that the new region in AWS Paris EU-West-3 is now available in CloudAMQP!

RabbitMQ Best Practice Webinar

The CEO of CloudAMQP, Carl Hörberg, shared his knowledge in a free webinar hosted by Erlang Solutions.

13 Common RabbitMQ Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

We have been hosting RabbitMQ for many years, and we have probably seen way more configuration mistakes than anybody else. Here is a list, that will help you avoid common RabbitMQ mistake!

Information regarding Spectre and Meltdown

You’re protected and no action is needed from your side. Cloud platforms will or have apply patches to protect VM-to-VM attacks and there’s no way for users to exploit these bugs from within our servers.

Part 3: RabbitMQ Best Practice for High Availability

Configure your RabbitMQ server for highest availability possible.

Part 2: RabbitMQ Best Practice for High Performance (High Throughput)

Configure your RabbitMQ cluster for optimal performance.

Part 1: RabbitMQ Best Practices

We have been working with RabbitMQ a long time, and we have probably seen way more configuration mistakes than anybody else. We know how to configure for optimal performance and how to get the most stable cluster. We will in this series share our knowledge!

Manage instance access with Access Control List (ACL)

To further manage and secure your instances, we’ve added the ability for you to set team members permissions with ACL.

New features 2017 and upcoming features 2018!

As the year winds down, the team behind CloudAMQP want to take the opportunity to recap this successful year and wish you all a Happy New Year!

Cloud Firewall for AWS and Azure

Configure a firewall for your cluster directly from our UI. You can specify an IP range and decide which ports that should be opened for that range.

Easier RabbitMQ Debugging With New Graph Metrics

To protect against, and to help identify issues, we now have upgraded our CloudAMQP control panel to help you keep full track of your instances well being over time.

Virtual Private Cloud on Google Cloud Platform

Create CloudAMQP instances in a virtual private cloud (VPC) on Google Cloud Platform and peer with an internal VPC to keep traffic private.

Plugins configuration available through API

Another step towards being able to automate everything CloudAMQP.

Prepayment is now available on CloudAMQP

Many of our customers want the option to pay through an annual billing cycle to avoid lots of small transactions...

Meet Parkster - Breaking down a monolithic system into microservices

A growing digital parking service from Sweden is right now breaking down their monolithic system towards microservices. Follow their story!

RabbitMQ and AMQP glossary and concepts

RabbitMQ and the AMQP protocol comes with its own terminology. If you are lost, hopefully this glossary may be useful

Stopping the stampeding herd problem with lazy queues

With RabbitMQ 3.6 Lazy Queues were introduced. This provides an excellent mechanism to tackle high memory usage and sudden spikes in messages

RabbitMQ Variable Shovel

Together with Erlang Solutions, we're happy to announce the new RabbitMQ vShovel! The new open source plugin allows RabbitMQ to call a webhook for each message in a queue.

Handling resource-intensive tasks with work queues in RabbitMQ

User story about microservices, about how to handle computationally intensive work with help of RabbitMQ, and about worker scaling in Heroku.

Erlang User Conference 2017 Gold Sponsor

CloudAMQP is a gold sponsor for the Erlang User Conference in Stockholm. We are also speaking at a RabbitMQ meetup in conjunction with the conference.

Why message queues for IoT projects?

Why and when should you use a publish/subscribe messaging transport protocol for your IoT application?

We are proud to present our brand new website!

The past few months we have been working hard to bring you a brand new website with enhanced look and feel. With both easier navigation and a new look, we hope the new site reflects our dedication to professionalism.

Sponsor of Rome Erlang Factory Lite 2017

We are happy to announce that we are sponsoring the Erlang Factory Lite Event in Rome! The conference is coming up soon at the 7th of April, 2017. Among other things, the well-known RabbitMQ developer, Michael Klishin, will be talking about Adopting Elixir in a 10 Year Old...

FAQ: How to persist messages during RabbitMQ broker restart?

Frequently Asked RabbitMQ Question: How to persist messages during RabbitMQ broker restart? Messages, exchanges, and queues that are not durable and persistent will be lost during a broker restart. If you cannot afford to lose any messages, make sure that your queue is declared...

Increased reliability of our shared plans

A new limit will be added to increase the reliability of CloudAMQP shared plans. A queue that has been idling (a queue that haven't been consumed from) for 28 days will be deleted, and temporary queues will be deleted after 60 seconds.

Loggly integration

You're now able to ship your RabbitMQ monitoring log from CloudAMQP dedicated instances to Loggly! Loggly makes it easy to centralize, search and monitor your log data from any environment. All you need to do...

Comparison: Apache Kafka VS RabbitMQ

What are the differences between Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ? When should you use which technology? Get a quick overview with our comparison chart!

Papertrail integration

You're now able to ship your RabbitMQ monitoring log from CloudAMQP dedicated instances to Papertrail! Papertrail makes it easy to centralize, search and monitor your log data from any environment. All you need to do...

CloudAMQP - A microservice architecture built upon RabbitMQ

A simple overview of the automated process behind CloudAMQP. The polyglot workplace where microservices written in different languages communicate through RabbitMQ.

Slack and PagerDuty alarms

We have added two more ways to get your alarm notifications. By popular demand we introduce Slack and PagerDuty integration. Head over to the Alarms tab in the Console to get alarm notifications in Slack and/or PagerDuty. You can activate alarms to be triggered when part of the...

Load testing and performance measurements in RabbitMQ

Load testing is the process of putting simulated demand on software and measuring its response. You will in this article get information about how to perform load testing and performance measurements in RabbitMQ.

RabbitMQ Firehose

Enable/disable RabbitMQ tracing/firehose from the CloudAMQP Console. Sometimes, during development or debugging, it's useful to be able to see every message that is published, and every message that is delivered. RabbitMQ has a firehose feature...

Check out our new look!

We are very proud to present our brand new control panel design to the world! As we have grown and evolved in the past, so have our product. We have added a whole lot of new features and now we have also updated the design of our control panel...

Better performance on new instances in Azure

Today we are happy to announce better performance and throughput on new instances created in Azure. Our benchmark test showed around 100% better throughput than before!

RabbitMQ Management Interface restart button

Memory usage for the RabbitMQ Management Interface has been high for a couple users on RabbitMQ 3.6.X, we have therefor added the option to restart the management interface from the CloudAMQP console

AWS Ohio region US-East-2 supported!

Amazon Web Services announced yesterday that its new Ohio region of data centers were available for public use. We are today happy to announce that it's now available in CloudAMQP!

Why is application decoupling a good thing

Several smaller services reduces overall complexity. We will in this article list some of the goodies achieved with application decoupling.

RabbitMQ and WebSockets

Learn how to combine RabbitMQ and WebSockets to create realtime applications. In this post we'll look at how it works and what you can do with them...

Recap: CloudAMQP Summer Summit

Thanks to everyone who attended the event in one way or another. We had a great day and we hope that you enjoyed it as much as we did! Here you can see the presentations from the first CloudAMQP Summer Summit, in Stockholm.

Everything You Need to Know about Asynchronous Communication and RabbitMQ

Learn about asynchronous communication, asynchronous messaging, and implementing asynchronous messaging in the cloud.

Automated cluster scaling!

Power to the people! Now you can scale your cluster live with CloudAMQP. This new big feature will make your life easier! Requirements change, the cluster you created yesterday might not be suited to handle the reality of today...

The Advantage of CloudAMQP vs Installing your own RabbitMQ Server

Trying to figure out how to install your own RabbitMQ server? Let us help you with everything around your RabbitMQ server! Server download, install and config.

FAQ: How to close all connections in RabbitMQ?

Frequently Asked RabbitMQ Question: How do we close all connections in RabbitMQ? This article explains how to close a single or multiple connections in RabbitMQ.

Difference between shared and dedicated plans

This article explains the difference between shared and dedicated plans in CloudAMQP. Find out which plan option will work best for you! Dedicated plans provides guaranteed isolation between instances. Shared instances are virtual hosts (vhosts) located on a shared server.

Increased reliability of CloudAMQP shared plans

A new limit is added to increase the reliability of CloudAMQP's shared plans, the Little Lemur and Tough Tiger. Each IP is from now on limited to max 20 new connections per second.

A BI-solution based on SpringXD and RabbitMQ (CloudAMQP)

CloudAMQP User Story: Example of how Cortex Intelligence built their business intelligence solution based on SpringXD and RabbitMQ. Learn why CloudAMQP was the best option!

How to delete single or multiple queues in RabbitMQ

Frequently Asked RabbitMQ Question: How do we delete accidentally created queues in RabbitMQ? The most common ways are either you do it via the web based UI or via a script or a queue policy...

FAQ: How to delete all messages from a Queue

Frequently Asked RabbitMQ Question: How do we delete all messages in a queue? There are different options. The web based UI can be used or a script can be used. In this post you will learn how to delete RabbitMQ messages!

Two-Factor Authentication

You can now secure your account with two-factor authentication. Once enabled a second component is required in addition to the password when signing in. That second step means your account stays secure even if your password is compromised. Read up on why this new feature...

Install community plugins

You no longer have to bug us to install community plugins. You can now do it easily yourself with the a click of a button! This first version of this feature does not support plugins that require custom broker configuration, for that you still have to bug us via email.

Easier Erlang and RabbitMQ upgrades

We have now automated upgrading Erlang and RabbitMQ across a cluster. As of now we are taking care of upgrading your entire cluster at once when you want to move to a new Erlang or RabbitMQ version. These options are now only available for the entire cluster, and not per node...

Pick your own RabbitMQ version

CloudAMQP now supports upgrading to any available higher RabbitMQ version. You can upgrade to any higher version than the one you're currently running. RabbitMQ Upgrades has never been so easy!

Librato integration

You're now able to ship your RabbitMQ monitoring data from CloudAMQP dedicated instances to Librato! Librato can give you full-stack monitoring in minutes. It makes it easy to centralize monitoring from many environments. All you need to do to...

DataDog integration

We're happy to announce that we are now integrated with DataDog. This service enables you to seamlessly aggregate metrics and events across the full devops stack. Simply put, it enables you to see all data in one place.

Logentries integration

You're now able to ship your RabbitMQ logs from CloudAMQP dedicated instances to Logentries. Logentries makes it easy to centralize, search and monitor all your log data from any environment. All you need to do to get your...

AWS Cloudwatch integration

We're excited to announce that we are now integrated with AWS CloudWatch. AWS CloudWatch is a monitoring service and it is now possible to ship RabbitMQ metrics of dedicated instances of the first 600 queues to ...

RabbitMQ delayed message exchange plugin with Node.JS

The RabbitMQ Delayed Message Plugin adds a new exchange type to RabbitMQ where messages routed by that exchange can be delayed if the user adds a delay header to a message. This is a guide for delayed messaging whit the help of the plugin and Node.JS

Connection alarms

We are happy to announce that we have implemented one of your most requested features. It is now possible to set an alarm to trigger when the number of connection reaches over a certain threshold. The alarms can be activated from the Alarms tab from the CloudAMQP Console.

How to handle and avoid high CPU or Memory usage

Out of memory and high CPU usage are common reasons for unresponsive RabbitMQ servers. Find out how to solve it!.

RabbitMQ 3.6

RabbitMQ 3.6 is released! From this point, all new created clusters will be running RabbitMQ 3.6. Already running dedicated clusters can be upgraded from our console page.

One, two or three nodes in CloudAMQP

The different setup options between one, two and three nodes in CloudAMQP. Find out how to maximize consistency, performance and availability for your specific application.

Why a database is not always the right tool for a queue based system

When is the right time to use a message queue and why is a database not always the right tool for a queue based system?

New high performance plan - Loud Lion

We are happy to announce a new high performance plan for the public, Loud Lion! This is a plan that allow a very high message rate.

Receive CloudAMQP alarms via webhooks

You can activate alarms to be triggered when part of the system is heavily used, when there is lot of messages in a queue or few consumers consuming from a queue.

Handle RabbitMQ plugins from the Control Panel

Common plugins can now be enabled and disabled from the control panel for your dedicated instances. To enable/disable a plugin, simply enter the details view of the instance and press the plugin tab. You will see a list of the most common used plugins.

American Express credit cards now supported

Finally! We are happy to announce that we now supports American Express (AMEX) corporate credit cards. From now on we support Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Maestro, JCB and Diners Club. You can also use a PayPal account and for larger accounts we offer invoicing.


An Instance API which allows you to list, create, update and delete CloudAMQP instances programmatically is now available. You can find your API key and futher API documentation under the API tab from the control panel.

Part 4: RabbitMQ Exchanges, routing keys and bindings

Learn about the different types of exchanges in RabbitMQ and scenarios for how and when you should use exchanges.

Get started with RabbitMQ on Android (Android Studio)

Get started with RabbitMQ on Android. How to create a simple chat room in Android (Android Studio), using RabbitMQ.

Cluster migration with RabbitMQ Queue Federation

RabbitMQ Federation plugin can be used when migrating to another cluster without stopping all producers and consumers while doing so. This article explains how to migrate between two clusters with help of queue federation.

RabbitMQ For Developers by Derick Bailey

Derick Bailey has compiled a lot of work about RabbitMQ into a bundle called RabbitMQ for developers. A great way to get started with RabbitMQ!

New Relic integration

We're happy to announce CloudAMQP integration with New Relic RabbitMQ Monitoring plugin! New Relic integration enables you to collect and visualize various metrics from RabbitMQ, including message rates, queue sizes, sockets used and Individual Queue Metrics.

Part 3: The RabbitMQ Management Interface

Outline of the RabbitMQ management interface. In the RabbitMQ web interface queues can be handled, created, deleted and listed directly from the web browser.

Part 2.3: Getting started with RabbitMQ and Python

Part 2.3 of RabbitMQ for beginners - Tutorial and example of source codes for Python and the client library Pika.

Part 2.2: Getting started with RabbitMQ and Node.js

Part 2.2 of RabbitMQ for beginners - Tutorial and example of source codes for Node.js and the client library amqplib.

Part 2.1: Getting started with RabbitMQ and Ruby

Part 2.1 of RabbitMQ for beginners - Tutorial and example of source codes for Ruby and the client library Bunny.

Part 1: RabbitMQ for beginners - What is RabbitMQ?

RabbitMQ for beginners explains what RabbitMQ and message queuing is. It gives a brief understanding of messaging and important RabbitMQ concepts are explained.

Plan changes for our shared instances

We have decided to add limits on allowed number of messages sent during one month for an instance. We have also changed the maximum number of concurrent connections. These limitations will only affect our shared plans Little Lemur and Tough Tiger.

RabbitMQ 3.5

RabbitMQ 3.5 is released! From this point, all new created clusters will be running RabbitMQ 3.5.1. Already running dedicated clusters can be upgraded from our console page.

Plan changes for CloudAMQP shared instances

We have decided to add limits for number of queues and number of queued messages for an instance. These limitations will only affect our shared plans Little Lemur and Tough Tiger.

New high performance plan - Happy Hippo

We are happy to announce a new high performance plan for the public, Heavy Hippo! This is a plan that allow a very high message rate.

The RabbitMQ federation plugin

Federation has several use-cases; collect messages from multiple clusters to a central cluster, distribute load of one queue to multiple other clusters and when migrating to another cluster without stopping all producers/consumers while doing so.


We now provide RabbitMQ hosting on the Microsoft Azure platform. We are also integrated with Microsoft Azure Store so that you can buy our fully managed RabbitMQ clusters directly through the Azure portal.

What is Message Queuing?

This blog article explains what Message Queuing is, how it can be used and benefits achieved when using Message Queues.

Amazon VPC Peering with CloudAMQP

Amazon VPC let you define a private network in the cloud. In this post we will explain how to set up a peering connection between your VPC and CloudAMQP VPC.


It is now possible create a RabbitMQ server in Softlayer's datacenters with just one click! Get started by entering the control panel for CloudAMQP. Sign up and create a new instance.

Integrate Sneakers with Activejob

This guide provides you with all you need to get started in creating, enqueuing and executing background jobs with RabbitMQ and Sneakers in Active Job.

RabbitMQ 3.4

RabbitMQ 3.4 is released!! From this point, all new created clusters will be running RabbitMQ 3.4.1. Already running dedicated clusters can be upgraded from our console page. Go to the tab nodes and press Upgrade RabbitMQ.

Get started with RabbitMQ on Android (Eclipse)

Get started with RabbitMQ on Android! Create a simple chat room in Android (Eclipse), using RabbitMQ

Server metrics for dedicated plans

We've added a feature to view server metrics for dedicated plans. Today we introduce a new monitoring capability. On the dashboard we have added a link from the console to the server metrics charts.

SSD drives on all new servers

Increased persisted message througput thanks to SSD disks. Amazon EC2 recently made SSD available and now all new CloudAMQP servers comes with it by default. Look forward to greatly increased persistent message throughput!

Rotate credentials

We've introduced the ability to rotate credentials for your CloudAMQP instances from the console. This is particularly useful on platforms like Heroku where your app will be automatically restarted with the new password among the environment variables.

New high performance plan - Awesome Ape

Today we make a new high performance plan available for the public, Awesome Ape. We've had customers with very high message rate requirements running it for a while.

Log in with GitHub

You can now use your GitHub account to sign up and log in to our Control Panel. If you have multiple e-mail addresses registred with GitHub you're given a choice to which one to use.

RabbitMQ 3.3.0

RabbitMQ 3.3.0 was released eariler today! It's an exciting release with a bunch of new features, performance improvements and bug fixes. We have during the day conducted tests and are now starting all newly created clusters with this version.


You can now create RabbitMQ servers in Rackspace datacenter's with a click. If you already host servers with Rackspace you can now enjoy free traffic and very low latency with your managed RabbitMQ clusters.


We're happy to announce full DigitalOcean integration! You can now create RabbitMQ clusters in all DigitalOcean's datacenters who has private networking.

RabbitMQ with High Performance Erlang

It's now possible to enable HiPE, High performance Erlang, for your dedicated RabbitMQ clusters. When you enable HiPE RabbitMQ is compiled at start up. This will give dedicated servers a huge performance boost!

Faster Power Panda Plan

Thanks you AWS recent price reduction we're now glad to be able to push these saving to our customers. The Power Panda plan is now about twice as fast in terms of max messages per second and has twice the amount of RAM.

Support for teams at CloudAMQP

We're happy to announce that we now support teams. You can now invite co-workers and you can all have different usernames/passwords but manage the same set of instances.