Maintenance by the CloudAMQP team

CloudAMQP keeps all software on your servers up to date with security patches and updates that can be installed without affecting the availability of your service. However, some updates require the service, or the whole server, to be restarted. That is why CloudAMQP has scheduled maintenance to ensure our customers always have the latest security updates regardless of their operating system and setup.

CloudAMQP handles these scheduled maintenance upgrades, and customers do not have to take any actions. In this view, you can see both upcoming maintenance and previous maintenance history.

Scheduled Maintenance

Customers notify when the instance is scheduled for reboot; this notification includes a time frame of the reboot, with an option to reschedule within the maintenance window. Notifications are sent to the recipients of the Notice Alarm under the Alarm settings. We recommend adding a Notice Alarm trigger from the CloudAMQP console to keep track of important events.

CloudAMQP Notice Alarm