RabbitMQ Plugins available on CloudAMQP

This feature is available on dedicated instances

RabbitMQ plugins can cover gaps between standard features and your organization's needs. Plugins can be enabled and disabled from the Plugins view in the CloudAMQP console. API endpoints are used to list available plugins, enable/disable plugins, and install supported community plugins. All plugins enabled via the plugins view or the API survive a server restart, and they are also moved to new nodes when changing CloudAMQP plans.

We recommend disabling unused plugins.

The following plugins are available from the CloudAMQP console. Some plugins are enabled automatically for all instances, and some require additional configuration. If you want to enable a plugin that needs additional configuration, send us an email at support@cloudamqp.com with the configuration needed.

Plugin name Description Config Default
AMQP 1.0 support for RabbitMQ
Add support for AMQP 1.0 for RabbitMQ.
RabbitMQ Authentication Backend cache
Provides a way to cache authentication and authorization backend results for a configurable amount of time.
RabbitMQ HTTP Authentication Backend
Authentication/authorisation plugin using an external HTTP API.
RabbitMQ LDAP Authentication Backend
Authentication/authorisation plugin using an external HTTP API.
OAuth 2.0 (JWT) Token Authorisation Backend
Lets clients and users authenticate and authorize using JWT-encoded OAuth 2.0 access tokens.
RabbitMQ SSL authentication (SASL EXTERNAL)
Authentication mechanism plugin using SASL EXTERNAL to authenticate with TLS (x509) client certificates.
Consistent Hash Exchange Type
Consistent hash exchange type.
Event Exchange Type
Exposes the internal RabbitMQ event mechanism as messages that clients can consume
RabbitMQ Federation
Scalable messaging across WANs and administrative domains.
RabbitMQ Federation Management
Shows federation status in the management API and UI. Only of use when using rabbitmq_federation in conjunction with rabbitmq_management.
RabbitMQ JMS topic selector exchange plugin
Adds server-side support for RabbitMQ JMS client. This plugin supports for JMS topic routing and selection based on JMS SQL selection rules.
RabbitMQ Management Console
A management/monitoring API over HTTP, along with a browser-based UI. Read more in our blog post: The RabbitMQ Management Interface
RabbitMQ Management Agent
Agent needed for the RabbitMQ Management.
RabbitMQ MQTT Adapter
Agent needed for the RabbitMQ Management.
RabbitMQ MQTT Adapter
An adapter implementing the MQTT 3.1 protocol. Read more about the MQTT Protocol on CloudAMQP
Prometheus Exporter
A Prometheus exporter of core RabbitMQ metrics developed by the RabbitMQ core team.
RabbitMQ Random Exchange
For load-balancing among consumers. It's a direct exchange, except that, instead of each consumer bound to that exchange with the same routing key getting a copy of the message, the exchange type randomly selects a queue to route to.
RabbitMQ Recent History Exchange
Keeps track of the last 20 messages that passed through the exchange.
RabbitMQ Sharding Plugin
Introduces the concept of sharded queues for RabbitMQ. Sharding is done at the exchange level, and messages will be partitioned across queues by an exchange defined as sharded.
Data Shovel for RabbitMQ
Shovels messages from one broker's queue to another broker's exchange. Read more about the Shovel Plugin
Management extension for the Shovel plugin
Shows shovel status in the management API and UI. Only of use when using rabbitmq_shovel in conjunction with rabbitmq_management.
RabbitMQ STOMP plugin
Provides STOMP protocol support in RabbitMQ.
RabbitMQ Stream plugin
Provides stream queues and the stream protocol for RabbitMQ version >=3.9
RabbitMQ Stream Management
Shows stream status in the Management API and UI. Only of use when using rabbitmq_streaml in conjunction with rabbitmq_management.
RabbitMQ Top
Adds a "top" view of busy processes to the management plugin.
RabbitMQ message logging / tracing
Adds message tracing to the management plugin. Logs messages from the firehose in a couple of formats.
RabbitMQ Certificate Trust Store
Provides support for TLS (x509) certificate allow listing. All plugins which use the global TLS options will be configured with the same allowlist.
RabbitMQ Web Dispatcher
Provides the ability for multiple applications to co-exist on Cowboy listeners. It is needed for the RabbitMQ Management Interface.
RabbitMQ MQTT-over-WebSockets adapter
This plugin supports MQTT-over-WebSockets to RabbitMQ.
RabbitMQ WEB-STOMP - WebSockets to Stomp adapter
A bridge is exposing rabbitmq_stomp to web browsers using WebSockets.

Community Plugins

The following Community plugins are available to install from the CloudAMQP Console/API.

Plugin name Description
Last value caching exchange
Acts like a direct exchange (binding keys are compared for equality with routing keys) and keeps track of the last value published with each routing key. When a queue is bound, it automatically enqueues the last value for the binding key.
Reverse Topic Exchange Type
Adds a reverse topic exchange which lets you provide routing patterns at publishing time instead of binding time.
Delayed Message Plugin
Adds delayed-messaging (or scheduled-messaging) to RabbitMQ.
Routing Node Stamp Plugin
Stamps a message with the node which first received it.
Message Timestamp Plugin
Adds a timestamp when a message first enters RabbitMQ.
Message Deduplication Plugin
A plugin for filtering duplicated messages.