
RabbitMQ is a message broker that allows clients to connect over different open and standardized protocols such as AMQP, HTTP, STOMP, MQTT and STOMP over WebSockets.

Simple (or Streaming) Text Oriented Message Protocol, is a simple text-based protocol used for transmitting data across applications. It is a simpler and less complicated protocol than AMQP; it is more similar to HTTP. STOMP clients can communicate with almost every available STOMP message broker. This provides easy and widespread messaging interoperability among many languages, platforms, and brokers. For example, connecting to a STOMP broker using a telnet client is possible.,

RabbitMQ supports STOMP (all current versions) via the Stomp plugin. If enabled, all CloudAMQP have the Stomp plugin running on port 61613 (TLS: 61614). It can be enabled/disabled from the Plugin tab in the control panel.

STOMP does not deal with queues and topics — it uses a SEND semantic with a destination string. RabbitMQ maps the message to topics, queues, or exchanges (other brokers might map onto something else that it understands internally). Consumers then subscribe to those destinations.

STOMP is recommended if you are about to implement a simple message queuing application without complex demands on a combination of exchanges and queues.